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How to create an expense linked to an installment

Option 1: New expense screen

  1. On the event screen where you want to create the expense, tap .

  2. Tap 'Expense' .

  3. In the field, enter the title of the installment expense you previously created and select it from the suggestions that appear with the icon.

  4. Select the installment you want to link.

  5. The remaining steps are the same as creating an expense.

Option 2: Event screen

  1. On the event screen where you want to create an expense, select the 'Summary' tab .

  2. In the 'Installments and Recurring' section, tap 'View all available installment expenses'.

  3. Find the name of the installment expense whose installment you want to link to an expense and tap the icon.

  4. The remaining steps are the same as creating an expense.